Differences Between Canvas Classic and New Quizzes

With New Quizzes now available in Canvas, you might be wondering what differences to expect compared to the previous engine of Classic Quizzes. With New Quizzes, some things are more streamlined, though these updates may change your experience in building quizzes or impact your previous workflow. 

For a complete and up-to-date list of differences, you can see the Canvas New Quizzes Feature Comparison. What follows in this article is a summary of the differences that a typical Canvas user is most likely to be impacted by.

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Flexible Assessment Weighting: Offering Students Choice

Green, blue, and pink kettle bells

How do you determine the weight of an assessment? Do you think about student effort, or high-priority learning outcomes, or perhaps which assessments are most reliable? What seems “right” for assessment weights will vary depending on who you ask, including students. Why not let them decide? Flexible assessment weighting gives students greater control over their learning, and it can lead to a better overall course experience. If the concept sounds too novel, there are also ways to “personalize” flexible weighting to fit your comfort level.

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