In this Issue: Selecting Course Materials
- How-to select learning materials
- Did you know… USask can help with course materials
- I’m Open: Using Open Educational Resources in your remote course
- Copyright considerations in your remote course
- DEU support and contact information.
How-to select learning materials
The learning materials in your online course typically will consist of artifacts that your students will interact with individually. Learning materials can include readings from books and journals, watching videos, listening to audio recordings, or engaging with an interactive learning object. In this blog post we give you some tips for selecting meaningful materials and how to get it done right for your online course.
Click here for more information about selecting online learning materials.
Image: Pixabay CC0
Did you know… USask can help with course materials
There’s plenty of support for getting the right course materials into your remote class. From the Bookstore to the Library to the TLSE, here’s a few helpful links to find the support you need to get the job done.
Library Support on Course Reserves
How to direct link library resources in your course
Guide on embedding research guides in your course
Access to searchable Open Educational Resource databases
I’m Open: Using Open Educational Resources in your remote course
There are many benefits to OER for those developing remote learning courses. Using Open Educational Resources (OER) allows you to reuse, retain, revise, remix, and redistribute work from other professionals and educatiors in your discipline. This allows you to get a jump start on developing course materials for your students and then refining them in a way that caters to your teaching style and course outcomes. Find out more about OER and searching for Open resources here.
If you’ve got some great course notes or materials that you distrubute to your class each year, consider developing them into an open publication using OpenPress, USask’s open textbook publishing platform. This robust authoring tool allows you to create eBooks in a variety of downloadable formats and share your work under a variety of Creative Commons licensing. Check out OpenPress here to see the USask open textbook catalogue and to request your account today.
Image: Markus Büsges CC BY-SA
Copyright considerations for your remote course
Pedagogical and technical issues may make the shift from in-person to online teaching a challenge but copyright concerns should not be a significant barrier!
Kate Langrell, the USask Copyright Coordinator, gave a great presentation called Shifting Your In-Person Course to Online: Copyright Considerations that is well worth a watch.
Check out more great Copyright Consideration resources available at USask for keeping your content in line with copyright considerations as you move to remote teaching.