DEU EdTech Quick Tips – Issue 14

In this Issue: Indigenize and decolonize

    • Did you know… Indigenization and Reconciliation are woven into the University Plan 2025?
    • How-To: 100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses
    • Opportunities for Growth
    • Additional resources of interest
    • DEU support and contact information

Did you know…Indigenization and Reconciliation are woven into the University Plan 2025?

The University of Saskatchewan has Indigenization and Reconciliation woven throughout the commitments and goals outlined in the University Plan 2025. In the summer of 2018, the Indigenous community gifted a name to the plan; nīkānītān manācihitowinihk in Cree and ni manachīhitoonaan in Michif which translates as “Let us lead with respect.”

    1. Beginning with a commitment to Courageous Curiousity a goal was set to Uplift Indiginization.
    2. In the University’s commitment to Boundless Collaboration a goal was set to Experience Reconciliation.
    3. Finally, in the University’s commitment to Inspired Communities we set a goal to Embrace manacihitowin (respect one another)

Beyond the Commitments the University made in the University Plan 2025, several Aspirations were noted including Transformative Decolonization Leading to Reconciliation stating that,

“The world needs a university in which Indigenous concepts, methodologies, pedagogies, languages, and philosophies are respectfully woven into the tapestry of learning, research, scholarship, creativity, and community engagement.”

We would encourage you all to explore the responses to the TRC’s Calls to Action within the University Plan 2025 to better understand how you can take steps in your teaching and learning to embrace manacihitowin.

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You may also want to check out the College of Arts & Science Indiginization Plan.

How-to: 100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses

As you revamp your face-to-face courses for remote teaching this fall it is a great opportunity to consider how you might take steps towards Indigenizing and decolonizing your current course materials and teaching methods.

The University of Regina published this document as part of it’s strategic planning initiatives. As in the USask University Plan 2025, URegina has also made commitments towards reconciliation and decolonization.

This excellent document offers exactly what it promises, 100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses in your University. Broken into categories for Deans Councils, Deans, and Faculty this document provides concrete actions that can help move the University as a whole towards Transformative Decolonization Leading to Reconciliation.

Find 100 ways to Indigenize and decolonize academic programs and courses

Opportunities for growth

Indigenizing Academia, written by Stryker Calvez at GMCTL, outlines foundational principles for indigenization and offers models for decolonizing and Indigenizing academia and courses. Check out Indigenizing Academia

Indigenous Voices Online Learning Modules – This is a series of interactive modules that you can do on your own to begin your learning journey. The intent of the modules is to present knowledge of historical and contemporary context, such that you can then participate in the other in-person programming offered through Indigenous Voices. Check out the Indigenous Voices Program Info

Contact Stryker Calvez, Manager, Indigenous Education Initiatives at the GMCTL for more information about Indigenizing and decolonizing your course.

Additional resources of interest