This website was created and continues to grow through a partnership with the University of Saskatchewan's Undergraduate Research Initiative, a collaboration between the Office of the Vice-President Research and the Office of Vice-Provost Teaching & Learning. The aim of this initiative is to expose students at the beginning of their university education to the process of doing research, enabling them to go beyond classroom instruction of known concepts and ideas as they gain experience with the process through which knowledge and understanding form and evolve. Under the guidance of Research Coaches, Astronomy 104 students therefore come up with a question to investigate as members of a group, they research the science that has contributed to our knowledge of the solar system, and through this website they their results publicly.
This research experience would not be possible without support from a number of people: the students' Research Coaches, Taylor Bell (Winter 2016), Fred Sage (Winter 2016, Fall 2016, Winter 2017), Ryan Cooney (Fall 2016), Simone Hagey (Winter 2017, Spring 2017, Fall 2017, Winter 2018), and Jadyn Kimber (Fall 2017, Winter 2018); Tom Steele, the Physics and Engineering Physics Department Head; Kara Loy, the Undergraduate Research Initiative Coordinator; Sheryl Mills and Ryan Banow from the Gwenna Moss Centre for Teaching and Learning; and Kristine Dreaver-Charles and Jordan Epp from the Distance Education Unit.
Funding and support for this project is provided by the Office of Vice-President Research, Strategic Research Initiatives and the Department of Physics and Engineering Physics at the University of Saskatchewan.