Writing Mathematical Expressions in Canvas Using LaTeX

If you teach in quantitative subjects that use mathematical or chemical expressions, equations, and formulae, there are some features in Canvas you should know about to help you make mathematical expressions that display properly while also being accessible to a variety users. It also might be worth your time to learn more about LaTeX, a markup language specifically for displaying math symbols and expressions. This article will cover simple to more advanced options, and share some links to help you work more efficiently with math symbols in your Canvas course.

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Using Announcements in Your Online Course

Course announcements are one of the simplest and most effective ways to communicate with your class, whether you are teaching an entirely online, in-person, or a hybrid course. Particularly for online asynchronous learners, announcements offer a primary channel for regular information to be passed on from the instructor, and a significant tool for building a sense of instructor presence. In this article, we’ll cover some reasons you might send an announcement, a few good practices to keep in mind, and some options and tips particular to using the Announcements tool in Canvas.

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Canvas New Quizzes: Frequently Asked Questions

Since Canvas was first deployed at USask as our LMS (beginning in spring 2020), users have had access to two quiz engines for building and deploying online quizzes, called Classic Quizzes and New Quizzes. You might recall that in the past, academic support staff have generally recommended that you build your quizzes using Classic Quizzes, which was more stable and had fewer bugs and issues. 

However, due to some recent improvements with the tool, we are now updating our recommendation: If you are creating a new quiz (i.e., building something from scratch) in Canvas, we now recommend you use the New Quizzes tool instead of Classic Quizzes. 

If you’ve got questions about Canvas New Quizzes, take a look through the following Canvas New Quizzes FAQ.

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Differences Between Canvas Classic and New Quizzes

With New Quizzes now available in Canvas, you might be wondering what differences to expect compared to the previous engine of Classic Quizzes. With New Quizzes, some things are more streamlined, though these updates may change your experience in building quizzes or impact your previous workflow. 

For a complete and up-to-date list of differences, you can see the Canvas New Quizzes Feature Comparison. What follows in this article is a summary of the differences that a typical Canvas user is most likely to be impacted by.

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8 Reasons to Be Excited About Canvas New Quizzes

“New” doesn’t always mean “improved,” but with Canvas New Quizzes now available, there are a wealth of new features available and some definite improvements that will streamline common workflows for instructors who were previously using Classic Quizzes. Here are 8 reasons why you might be excited about making the move to New Quizzes!

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DEU EdTech Quick Tips – Issue 76

In this Issue: Events for SDG/OE Week, and More EdTech Tidbits

      • Open Education Events during USask SDG Week and #OEWeek2023
      • Using Perusall in Online Courses
      • Buy, Borrow, Bend, or Build?: A Framework for Course Material Selection
      • Enhance Course Navigation with Emojis 📖 ✏️ 💡
      • Canvas Quick Tip: Disabling YouTube Inline Preview in Canvas
      • DEU Support and Contact Information

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Using Poll Everywhere in an Asynchronous Online Course

Poll Everywhere is a web-based polling tool available at USask. It allows for group engagement, feedback, and interaction through live online polling, surveys, Q&As, quizzes, word clouds, and more. Poll Everywhere is also a fairly flexible tool, and can be used for teaching and learning in face-to-face synchronous, online synchronous (i.e., Zoom), and online asynchronous situations. This post will focus on providing some tips and ideas for using Poll Everywhere in your asynchronous online courses, including instructions for how to embed the activity into a Canvas page.

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Using the LMS to Support F2F Learning

If you’re going back into the classroom this fall after several terms of remote-only instruction, don’t abandon the LMS (i.e., the Learning Management System) just yet! LMSs like Canvas have a lot to offer for your face-to-face classes. Here are some ideas for how to enhance your F2F course using the LMS and some related online learning tools and strategies.

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