DEU EdTech Quick Tips – Issue 52

In this Issue: Teaching with Zoom

    • Teaching Effectively with Zoom
    • Running “Virtual Office Hours” in Zoom
    • Zoom Meetings vs. MEETS: Which should I add to my Canvas course?
    • Zoom Recordings and Panopto Storage: Setting them up right!
    • Zoom training opportunities at USask
    • Canvas Tip: Using Groups for Grading Large Classes with TAs
    • DEU support and contact information

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DEU EdTech Quick Tips – Issue 47

In this Issue: EdTech Potpourri

    • Canvas: Dress for Success – Home Page Baners and Course Cards
    • Hidden Gem: Student Annotation Submission in Canvas
    • H5P Highlight: Choose-your-own-adventure with Branching Scenarios
    • The Online Education Network: Local Connections, Distributed Impact
    • DEU Summer Reading Recommendations: 25 Years of Ed Tech
    • DEU support and contact information

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Hidden Gems – H5P


Leslie Langham has taught most of their courses online at least twice now. They put in long days, evenings and weekends developing content for their courses – choosing readings, finding relevant videos and images, crafting assignments – and interacting with students providing feedback. Leslie feels confident in the courses they put together and deliver online, but also feels like a little something is missing. Sometimes students seem to miss the most important points made in the videos, or pick up on some key concepts but miss others.

In their face-to-face class, Leslie is used to using a student response system and other activities and technology to check for student understanding, but aside from using the Canvas Quiz tool, doesn’t know how else to support students by providing interactive opportunities to self-check their new understanding and practice their new skills. After consulting with an instructional designer they settled on incorporating some H5P activities into their online course.

Leslie now has a variety of interactive learning activities throughout the course, providing students timely, relevant, and specific feedback on key concepts automatically. This includes interactive videos where students can check their understanding as the video is playing, check the outcomes of their decisions with branching scenarios, test their knowledge with digital flashcards, analyze images with interactive elements, and more. All of these activities are presented right in the course content, allowing students to engage with it straight away rather than going away into some other platform requiring yet another login.

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Creating and Sharing H5P Activities from WordPress and Pressbooks

If you haven’t tried H5P yet, or don’t know much about it, you can review the Learning Technology Ecosystem (LTE) H5P tool overview page. It describes the tool generally and gives a good overview of why you might use it.

What this post will help you learn
  • how to create an interactive activity with H5P  using WordPress and Pressbooks.
  • upon creating your activity, how to embed that activity in another website, including Canvas.
Learning Technology Used
  • WordPress (USask Sites) – Authoring & Publishing
  • Pressbooks (OpenPress) – Authoring & Publishing
  • Canvas – Publishing
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Creating and Sharing H5P Activity Without a Website

If you haven’t tried H5P yet, or don’t know much about it, you can review the Learning Technology Ecosystem (LTE) H5P tool overview page. It describes the tool generally and gives a good overview of why you might use it.

Note: Typically at USask, H5P activities are hosted within WordPress sites or Pressbooks. This post explores an alternative method. We’d recommend exploring either WordPress or Pressbooks first before using the method in this article. 

What this post will help you learn
  • how to create an interactive activity with H5P using the Lumi desktop application.
  • upon creating your activity, how to get that activity into your Canvas course.
Learning Technology Used
  • Lumi Education – Authoring & Exporting
  • Canvas – Publishing
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