Module 5 Additional Resources

Glossary of Terms

  • Break-even analysis: An analysis to determine the point at which revenue received equals the costs associated with receiving the revenue
  • Break-even point: a point where profit is zero because total revenue equals total cost.
  • Fixed cost: a cost of production that does not change regardless of how much is produced. An example would be capital costs.
  • Optimal point of production: is the point where profit is maximized.
  • Price: the amount at which a producer will sell each product.
  • Profit: total revenue minus total cost.
  • Sensitivity analysis:  a technique used to determine how different values of an independent variable impact a particular dependent variable under a given set of assumptions.
  • Total cost: fixes costs plus variable costs.
  • Total revenue: price per product multiplied by the total number of products.
  • Variable cost: a cost that varies with production. For example, labour. The more people hired, the higher the total wage bill.


Sayers, M. & Levey, S. (2013 January 18). Wind in the willows boosts biofuel production.  Imperial College London News. Retrieved from:

Supplementary Resources

For more on willow used for biomass and photo-remediation, check out this article:

Dimitriou, I. & Aronsson, P (2005).   Willows for energy and phytoremediation in Sweden I. Unasylva 221(56): 47-50.  Retrieved from:

Labrecque, M. (2016). GENOREM: Investigating how willows and their associated microbes decontaminate soils.  Reproduced by Poplar and Willow Council of Canada.  Retrieved from: